How to Dye a Synthetic Wig with Fabric Dye: Step by Step Guide

Dye your synthetic wig when your old one fades or you want a new hairstyle. The synthetic wig dying process is very tricky & difficult to think about but if you follow all instructions carefully you can dye your wig anytime in any way.

How to Dye a Synthetic Wig with Fabric Dye

If you’d like to dye your synthetic wigs, then you can read the article carefully, because, In this blog post, we are going to talk about how to dye a synthetic wig with fabric dye step by step.

Let’s talk about all the easy ways:

Can You Dye a Synthetic Wig with Regular Hair Dye?

Regular hair dyes are not applicable here. The reasons behind this are many. The most prominent reason is synthetic wigs have no natural pigments whereas real human hair is totally natural. Regular hair dye doesn’t work with the materials of synthetic wigs.

Rather regular hair dye will spoil synthetic wigs. So, it’s better to avoid regular hair dye in this term.

Can You Dye a Synthetic Wig with Fabric Dye?

Yeah, you can easily dye a synthetic wig with fabric dye. Fabric dye is suitable for synthetic wigs and it won’t damage your wig. These dyes are also affordable and easy to apply. So you can purchase one and dye your synthetic wig in various ways.

What is The Best Dye for Synthetic Hair?

You may know synthetic wigs are the form of processed fibers such as polyester, polyvinyl, and acrylic which makes them hard to dye. Because of not have the natural pigments that real human hair does, regular hair dyes won’t work on synthetic wigs.

After so many analyses, we conclude that using fabric dyes is best for a synthetic wig. You can easily find fabric dye products in the market. For best results, we recommend Rit Dyemore fabric dye as the best product.

How to Dye a Synthetic Wig with Fabric Dye: Step-by-Step

Well, this is a little bit of a hard task and you must be careful in every step. Without any further due let’s get into the fabric dye process steps,

1. Take Protecting Equipment

The density of the fabric is very thick and intense, thus you need protection. If your hand gets spoiled, you may wash it with baking soda, soap, and many more but the stair will still be there for 2/3 days. So, you have to put on a pair of disposable gloves.

The color of the fabric dye may spoil your dress, so it’s better to wear old clothes or an apron. To save your workspace from damage you should use newspaper on it.

2. Get a Large Pot:

Get a large enough pot so that a synthetic wig can fit on it. Put this pot on the stove. Measure water with a cup & fill the pot. Heat the pot and bring the water to a boil. Then add fabric dye to it.3 teaspoons of dye are enough for 1 cup of water.

3. Mix Dye:

When the water has boiled, add fabric dye to it.3 teaspoons of dye are enough for 1 cup of water.

4. Wet The Wig:

A wet wig is needed for dye. So, by using normal water dampen your wig a little. It helps to dye your synthetic wig easily.

5. Add The Wig Fabric Mixture: 

Add your wet wig to the fabric mixture. For getting darker wig color you should leave the wig a long time in the mix. Keep your eyes on the mixture, when you get the desired color, get the wig out of the mix. This step can take a few minutes, so don’t run away from letting the synthetic wig soak.

6. Take it Out from The Pot:

Once you find your desired color, you may put out the wig from the fabric mixture. After that, gently rinse it in cold water until the water runs transparently.

7. Place it to Dry: 

Natural air is best for drying the wig. So place it on a stand or hook and dry. For air drying, place the wig on a wig stand or a hook and dry. Let it dry for several hours.

Finally, your different synthetic wig is fully ready.

Can You Dye Synthetic Wigs with Acrylic Paint?

Yes, you can use acrylic paint to dye your synthetic wig. The right proportion of acrylic mixed and rubbing alcohol makes a proper dye that can work well without damaging wig fibers. This dye is cheap too. After using this dye, your wig will look vibrant & attractive.

How to Dye a Synthetic Wig with Acrylic Paint Step by Step

By following some simple steps properly you can dye your synthetic wig with acrylic paint-

Step 1: Choose a Suitable Wig

You may think, which is a suitable wig? And why do we proclaim this as suitable?

Well, let me clear-

Acrylic paint doesn’t work well with a deep color wig. Dying natural wigs using acrylic paint is also prohibited. So, you have to select light-colored wigs.

One more thing, don’t try bleaching a synthetic wig so you can dye it with paint.

Step 2: Set up Everything

  • For this procedure, an outside area is preferable. If you don’t find open space under the sky then work in a well-ventilated room.
  • Lay down newspaper or old clothes to protect the floor from damage.
  • Then center your work table.

Step 3: Use Foam Head 

Buy a foam head online or at a beauty product store. A foam head is better for painting but if you don’t want to spend money on it then use something like a paper towel holder or a  bowl flipped upside down.

 Step 4: Mix Acrylic Paint with Rubbing Alcohol

In this step, you can use a spray bottle or a large bowl. But for a quick and easy application process, you should use a spray bottle.

  • Firstly, you have to add acrylic paint to the spray bottle. The measurement of acrylic paint depends on the length of the wig. However,1/4 teaspoon acrylic paint is for short hair, and 1/2 teaspoon for long hair is recommended. You can squeeze the paint directly into the spray bottle or use equipment to transfer the paint.
  • Then, add rubbing alcohol to the spray bottle. Using more rubbing alcohol will make your wig color vague. If you add around 3 tablespoons of rubbing alcohol you will get a vibrant color. Nevertheless, if you want a lighter color, use 4 tablespoons of rubbing alcohol.
  • Finally, shake the spray bottle so that 2 ingredients can be properly mixed up.

Step 5: Spray The Wig

Acrylic paint can stain on the skin, so before starting this step put on latex gloves. Then use your fingers to the section of the wig. Start spraying appropriately on every section. Keep the bottle at least 6 inches away from the wig.

Rub with fingers so that paints can go on the roots of hair too. Until the entire wig is covered, keep spraying paint on sections of the wig. Again check the roots. Ensure that the wig hair is all covered with paint. Don’t forget to Flip the wig upside down.

 Step 6: Let it Dry and rinse

  • Now, your painted wig needs to dry. Keep it in the open air for 1-2 hours. You can see a lot of paint will drip off the wig while it’s drying. That’s why make sure you leave it over a tarp. Check it every hour. You can check the dryness by running your fingers through it.
  • When the wig is fully dry, rinse it under cold water. Some paint will wash out, take it as normal. Do not stop rinsing before the water runs clear. Ensure that you rinse out all the extra paint from the wig.

Step 7: Again Dry The Wig & Brush it

  • Now, dry your wig on a towel for 1-2 hours. Flip the wig over so that the drying process can fast.
  • After that, brush out the wig. If you put the wig on a foam head, brushing out the wig will be easy for you. You can also use a comb.

After completing all the steps above, when you can see your wig is knot and tangle-free, that means your wig is ready to wear!

Can You Dye Synthetic Hair with Food Coloring?

If you are thinking food color is cheap, and it is not good for dying hair; then you are wrong. You can easily apply food color as your hair dye without any damage. It is hard to believe that food coloring is well-known for being a more temporary option for coloring hair.

The easy application process and vibrant color guarantee make this a good option. Whenever you notice the color fading slightly, re-apply the methods above to revive the color.

How to Dye Synthetic Hair with Food Coloring Step by Step

The procedure of dying synthetic hair with food coloring is pretty much easy. Let’s know about it-

Step 1. Basic Preparation

  •  Before starting the dye, you need some basic preparation. Firstly, you have to gather all the things needed to dye; a towel, a brush, a flat surface, a bowl, gloves, a spoon, hair mousse, and food coloring. Then-
  • Put down the towel and spread it out on a flat surface. Next, put your gloves on to avoid staining your hands.
  • Brushing the hair is important before dyeing. So, brush through the hair and place it on the towel. Ensure that your hair is brushed straight across the towel evenly.
  • After that, Mix the mousse and the food coloring. A small amount of mousse is enough for one section of hair. If you want to dye every section of hair then you need more mousse. Put the mousse in a bowl and add a couple of drops of food coloring to make the color of your preference. Lastly, stir it with a spoon in the mousse until properly mixed.

Now, your dye preparation is done and you can start applying. Just follow the steps given below –

Step 2. Start Application

Start applying the dye using a wide paintbrush. If you don’t feel comfortable with the brush then you can use your fingers, as it works well enough. If you want to apply the dye in a particular place of your wig, then point out the section and apply only there.

Again, if you want the whole hair dyed, apply it to the hair spreading out and cover every section of the hair.

After applying the one side, flip the wig over and again do the same thing on the other side.

Step 3. Color The Wig

When both sides of the wig are applied and it seems satisfactory, you are done with color application. Then, you have to wait for the color to set.

If you want a lighter color on your hair, you should let the dye sit on the hair for about half an hour. Again, if you want deep color, you should let it on for around one hour. A brighter color needs more time.

The time limits for setting the color may differ so check it every 15 minutes.

Step 4. Gently Rinse The Hair

When you see the color properly set on your hair, take it to the water basin to rinse the food coloring off. Warm water may demolish the color, so rinse off the hair with cold water. Remember, too much rubbing will cause the color to come out so gently rinse the hair.

You can remove the wig from the water when the rinsing process is properly done.

Step 5. Dry Properly 

While rinsing, your hair gets wet. So, you need to dry the hair off. Find a clean place for the towel and brush through the hair. To pull out the water, you have to dab the towel over the hair. You can also use a blow dryer to dry out the wig.

Step 6. Style in Own Preference 

Wigs have their original style. But if you want to change it, then you can do that using a straightener or curling iron.

Just keep in mind that synthetic hair is very sensitive to heat. So, you should always be very cautious. Whether your wig cannot take the heat, blow-dry the wig on a very low heat setting and let it set the style.

Read Next:

Final Words

The synthetic wig dying process seems risky and a hard task. So in this context, we have tried to describe this process in the easiest ways.

Do not get confused about the further result, quality of dyes, side effects, etc. As we said above, follow the steps one by one carefully. If you are still worried about dyeing your synthetic wig, then watch videos, learn more about this topic, and try it in front of your friends or family.

Look, this process is full of fun, you will get amazed after seeing the result.

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